Philosophy of DI.Yogyakarta Map Design “Semar for Yogyakarta”​


Philosophy of DI.Yogyakarta Map Design, "Semar for Yogyakarta"

By Farsijana Adeney-Risakotta Ph.D (Founder of the Griya Jati Rasa Foundation)

“Semar for Yogyakarta” is the title of the geographic map design for DI. Yogyakarta province. Geographically, the contour of the D.I. Yogyakarta province from north to south, from east to west inspired the body shape of Semar, the puppet character who created the Pandawa knights to carry out justice and uphold truth and peace. 

Semar stands facing West. From Samigaluh, in Kulon Progo district, the western part, the Borobudur temple can be seen from afar like a lotus flower, which is depicted in Semar’s mouth, symbolizing the virtues and wisdom that He conveys in every word he utters to strengthen humanity.  

In the northern part, Semar’s “pigtail” of hair is depicted on Mount Merapi which symbolizes his eternity and simplicity, representing the daily lives of ordinary people who love, care for, and live in harmony with nature. Semar’s breathing hole from the throat to the anus is the Yogyakarta Philosophy Axis, where the Ngayogyakarta Palace is the center of Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana which means protecting, beautifying and saving the world.

To the east, the Opak River section illustrates Semar’s hands working to build civilization such as the Prambanan temple.  It is not the certainty of the Creator’s omnipotence to build the earth and civilization according to His time.  So the “Semar for Yogyakarta” map contains three Unesco world heritage sites, namely Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, and the Yogyakarta Philosophy Axis.

In the southern part, Semar’s two legs stand firmly upholding the foundations of Yogyakarta meeting the vast Indonesian ocean where the Queen of the South Coast is the guardian of the archipelago as understood in the micro-macro cosmos understanding of the people of Java in general. 

Semar’s left foot rests on a limestone cliff above Parangtritis beach which is Mount Sewu Unesco Global Geopark. This world heritage stretches from the west where Pondok Jati Rasa, a heritage house more than 200 years old was moved from the village of Taji Prambanan to Alas Wegode where the Edge Resort Yogyakarta is currently located, to the east in Pacitan, East Java.

The green color in the body design of the DI. Yogyakarta map as Semar’s body covered in green cloth shows the fertility of the universe which strengthens its authenticity so that the nobility and chivalry of the god’s personality drips into human behavior. 

The borders of the “Semar for Yogyakarta” map are lined with kawung motifs which are characteristic of clown clothing in wayang.

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